
Optimal Chicken Nesting Box Design Plans

Egg-cellent Spaces: Thoughtful Chicken Nesting Box Design Plans for Cozy Coops and Happy Layers

If you are considering raising chickens in your backyard, providing a comfortable and functional space for them to lay their eggs is essential. Well-designed chicken nesting boxes not only ensure the health and productivity of your flock, but they also help to maintain a clean and organized coop.
In this article, we will discuss the key considerations for designing optimal chicken nesting boxes, provide step-by-step instructions for building your own, and showcase different design ideas for inspiration.

Key Takeaways

  • Well-designed chicken nesting boxes are essential for the health and productivity of your flock.
  • Consider factors such as size, materials, ventilation, accessibility, and ease of cleaning when designing chicken nesting boxes.
  • Building your own nesting boxes can be cost-effective and easy with the right plans and instructions.
  • There are various creative design ideas available to customize your backyard chicken nesting boxes based on your preferences.
  • Proper maintenance and cleaning of nesting boxes are crucial for the overall health and comfort of your chickens.

Key Considerations for Chicken Nesting Box Design

Designing a chicken nesting box can seem overwhelming, but by taking into account a few key considerations, you can create an easy and simple design. Keep in mind that the nesting box should provide a comfortable and accessible space for your hens to lay their eggs. Here are some factors to consider:


The size of the nesting box should be large enough for your hens to comfortably sit and move around in. The recommended size is at least 12 inches wide, 12 inches deep, and 12 inches in height. However, you can adjust the dimensions based on the size of your hens and the available space in your coop.


The materials used for the nesting box should be durable and resistant to moisture. Wood is a popular choice but can be costly and requires regular maintenance. Alternatively, plastic, metal, or recycled materials can also be used, provided they are non-toxic and easy to clean.


Adequate ventilation is essential to prevent the buildup of moisture and bacteria. You can create small ventilation holes or openings at the top or bottom of the nesting box to allow for proper air circulation.


Make sure that the nesting box is easily accessible for your hens to enter and exit. The entrance should be low enough for them to hop in and out and wide enough for them to move comfortably. You can also add a small ramp or ladder to make it easier for them to access the box.

Ease of Cleaning

6Cleaning the nesting box regularly is crucial for maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your hens. Make sure that the nesting box is easy to clean by adding a removable roof or bottom. You can also add a litter tray or nesting pad to absorb moisture and droppings, making cleaning a breeze.

DIY Chicken Nesting Box Plans

Building your own chicken nesting boxes is a cost-effective way to provide your feathered friends with a comfortable and safe space to lay their eggs.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to making simple chicken nesting boxes:

  1. Materials: Begin by gathering the necessary materials, including plywood sheets, screws, nails, and hinges. You’ll also need a saw, drill, and measuring tape.
  2. Measurements: Using the measuring tape, determine the size and dimensions of your nesting boxes. A common size for each box is 12 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches.
  3. Cut: Use the saw to cut the plywood sheets according to your measurements.
  4. Assemble: Assemble the boxes by screwing the pieces together. Add a hinged lid for easy access and cleaning.
  5. Install: Mount the nesting boxes securely to the wall or inside the chicken coop. Ensure they are at a height that is easily accessible for your chickens.

For a more detailed guide, check out these simple chicken nesting box plans. These free plans include illustrations and precise measurements to guide you through the process.

diy chicken nesting box plans

With these DIY chicken nesting box plans, you don’t have to break the bank to provide your hens with a comfortable and functional space to lay their eggs. Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a beginner, these plans are easy to follow and will help you create nesting boxes that are perfect for your backyard flock.

Design Ideas for Backyard Chicken Nesting Boxes

Designing your backyard chicken nesting boxes doesn’t have to be a mundane task. There are many different styles, materials, and features that can give your chicken coop a unique touch while still providing your hens with a comfortable place to lay their eggs. Here are a few design ideas to spark your creativity:

1. Upcycled Materials

Get creative and use materials you already have lying around the house to build your nesting boxes. Old crates, wooden pallets, and even barrel halves can easily be turned into a cozy nesting space for your backyard hens. Plus, using upcycled materials is an eco-friendly and budget-friendly way to create a custom chicken coop.

backyard chicken nesting box design

2. Rustic Charm

If you have a farmhouse-style backyard, consider adding some rustic charm to your chicken nesting boxes. Incorporate design elements like distressed wood, antique hardware, and vintage signage to create a cozy and charming atmosphere for your hens to lay their eggs.

3. Clean and Modern

If a contemporary look is more your style, opt for a clean and modern design for your chicken nesting boxes. Sleek lines, metallic accents, and monochromatic color schemes can give your chicken coop a sophisticated and stylish feel.

4. Elevated Nesting Boxes

Elevated nesting boxes can add some height and visual interest to your chicken coop while also keeping your hens safe from predators. Consider building them directly into your coop’s structure or mounting them separately on sturdy legs or brackets.

5. Multi-Level Nesting Areas

For larger chicken coops, consider creating multi-level nesting areas to maximize space and provide your hens with a choice of where to lay their eggs. Use ramps or small steps to connect the different levels and make it easy for your chickens to access their nesting boxes.
No matter which design ideas you choose, be sure to prioritize functionality and ease of cleaning when constructing your chicken nesting boxes. Happy designing!

Tips for Maintaining and Cleaning Chicken Nesting Boxes

After building your own chicken nesting boxes from the design plans, it’s essential to keep them clean and well-maintained. By doing so, you can prevent pest infestations, reduce the risk of disease and infection, and provide comfortable conditions for your hens to lay their eggs.

Clean regularly

One of the most important tips for maintaining chicken nesting boxes is to clean them regularly. Remove any droppings, straw, or bedding material that may have accumulated in the boxes. Use a brush or scraper to dislodge any stubborn debris. Replace the bedding material at least once a week or whenever it becomes soiled.

Disinfect as needed

If you notice any signs of pest infestations or disease in your flock, you may need to disinfect the nesting boxes. Use a mild disinfectant solution, such as diluted bleach or vinegar, to clean the boxes thoroughly. Make sure to rinse them well with clean water afterward to avoid any chemical residue.

Check for damage

Check the nesting boxes for any signs of damage or wear and tear, such as cracks, holes, or loose fittings. Repair or replace any damaged parts to ensure the boxes remain secure and comfortable for your hens.

Provide adequate ventilation

Adequate ventilation is key to maintaining a clean and healthy environment in the chicken nesting boxes. Make sure there are enough ventilation holes or slots to allow air to circulate freely. This also helps reduce moisture buildup and prevents the growth of mold or mildew.

Keep predators out

Lastly, it’s crucial to keep predators out of the nesting boxes. Use sturdy materials and secure latches to prevent raccoons, rats, or other animals from accessing the boxes. Additionally, make sure the boxes are placed in a secure location within the chicken coop or run.

nesting box design for chickens

What are the best dimensions for chicken nesting boxes?

The ideal dimensions for chicken nesting boxes depend on the breed and size of your chickens. Generally, a good starting point is 12 inches in both width and depth, with a height of around 12 to 18 inches. These dimensions provide ample space for the chicken to turn around comfortably while ensuring a cozy and secure environment for laying eggs.

What is the best lining for chicken nesting boxes?

Choosing the right lining for nesting boxes is essential for hygiene and comfort. Straw and hay are popular choices, as they are soft, readily available, and provide insulation. Wood shavings can also be used, but avoid cedar, as its scent may repel chickens. Regularly replace the lining to maintain cleanliness and prevent the buildup of bacteria.

What is the ratio of nesting boxes to chickens?

The recommended ratio is one nesting box for every four to five hens. While chickens may have a favorite box, providing multiple options helps reduce competition and stress. Observing your flock’s behavior can guide adjustments – if you notice consistent overcrowding or disputes, consider adding more nesting boxes.

How high should chicken nesting boxes be off the ground?

Mounting nesting boxes at the right height is crucial for accessibility and safety. Ideally, place the boxes 18 to 24 inches above the ground. This height allows easy access for hens while preventing potential predators from reaching the eggs. Ensure a secure and stable mounting to prevent the nesting boxes from shifting or falling


In conclusion, creating optimal chicken nesting boxes is a crucial part of backyard chicken keeping. By following the key considerations discussed in section 2 and utilizing the provided DIY plans in section 3, you can design and build functional and cost-effective nesting boxes for your hens. Additionally, exploring different design ideas in section 4 can help you tailor the nesting boxes to your personal preferences and style. Remember, proper maintenance and cleaning, as outlined in section 5, are essential for the health and productivity of your chickens. By providing your hens with a safe and comfortable nesting environment, you can ensure a steady supply of fresh eggs for your household.


What are the benefits of having well-designed chicken nesting boxes?

Well-designed chicken nesting boxes provide a comfortable and secure space for hens to lay their eggs. They can help reduce stress and encourage regular egg production. Additionally, properly designed nesting boxes make it easier for chicken owners to collect eggs and maintain the overall cleanliness of the coop.

How should I determine the size of my chicken nesting boxes?

As a general guideline, each nesting box should be about 12-14 inches square. However, this can vary depending on the size of your chickens. Larger breeds may require slightly larger nesting boxes. It’s important to provide enough room for the hen to comfortably enter and move around inside the box.

What materials should I use for building chicken nesting boxes?

Chicken nesting boxes can be constructed using various materials such as plywood, plastic, or even repurposed materials like old crates or buckets. It’s important to choose materials that are easy to clean and resistant to moisture. Ensure that the nesting boxes are sturdy and well-insulated to provide a cozy environment for your hens.

How can I ensure proper ventilation in my chicken nesting boxes?

Adequate ventilation is crucial to prevent the buildup of moisture and odors inside the nesting boxes. You can incorporate small ventilation holes or gaps near the top or sides of the boxes to allow for air circulation. However, make sure these openings are not too large to avoid drafts or predators accessing the nesting area.

How often should I clean the chicken nesting boxes?

It’s essential to maintain clean nesting boxes to prevent the spread of diseases and keep your chickens healthy. Clean the boxes at least once a week by removing any bedding or droppings and replacing it with fresh nesting material. Regularly inspect the boxes for signs of pests or damage and address any issues promptly.

Author: admin

“The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.”

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